Up in the air - a point of view
With a billion miles in his back pack; he has no room left. No room for anything or anyone. Definitely no room for intangible items like love and relationships, especially love and relationships; because they are the heaviest of all. They slow him down; they are messy. And you can't throw them in the bin before checking in for your flight. On the other hand, those photographs he carries with him, the ones he shows to his co-passengers; have other people in them. You can't take a picture of yourself at the bar by yourself. It would not exactly qualify for a memory worth preserving. So you see, his backpack is light but his heart's heavy. His miles mean a lot to him like the points you get by running over people in those ps3 games. And his job is to fire employees for firms who don't have the balls to do it. One messed up guy he is. You can't live like this for long. In the end, its the sky over the clouds; all blue, up in the air.
Just like in the movie " Into the Wild" he realizes in the end that happiness is nothing if you cant share it.
make ur life right...! do not attempt a massacre
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