Wednesday, January 30, 2008

a few lines that stayed

Maria: I won't regret a bit if I know I die tomorrow. My parents would be sad. But it don't matter to anyone if I am not alive any more.
Maria is 35, single, doing research; plans to go back to being the professor she was.

Carlos: I bought a red honda civic with sun roof on the second day of my job. However, I have no place to stay, no place to park.
Carlos starts a new job, a new life at Seattle this Monday.

Joe: There is so much that can be done. I am unpredictable this spring.
Joe Sinfield is a professor at CEM, Purdue.

Lucas: There is more to life than basketball. Love and success don't mix. It ain't enough if you dream, u've gotta kill at least a few.
Lucas Scott is the new coach for the Ravens (One Tree Hill)

Sachin: It is very weird, it hurts (when things I know will happen, do happen)
Sachin Verma is in Delhi at JLLM.

And I thought I am the only one fed up.

:song for now:

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